Starting Over


New member
I'm an old fashioned Cubase with PC / Tascam US-428 kind of guy. I want to start building a new home studio but kind of lost in which direction to head in. So looking for some advice.

Cubase? Pro-Tools? Sonar?

What are folks using for DAW since my Tascam US-428 is now useless etc...?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
I personally use a mac book with logic express 9 (and ableton because I do alot with midi and what not), and I love it. But thats just me.

I am debating between a MACbook Pro or Windows 7. I have been using Cubase for so long i'm worried about switching and losing all of my tunes. I could deal with it though for the right setup. Curious: What do you use for mixer / inputs etc...? I like having faders instead of doing everything on a computer, that's why i originally went with the Tascam US-428. Any suggestions for that? I have been using Battery for drums and record everything else live (bass, guitar, vox etc...)
Yet another post in the wrong forum. Maybe this is why:

I want to start building a new home studio but kind of lost in which direction to head in. So looking for some advice.

Cubase? Pro-Tools? Sonar?

Do people consider buying a computer, interface and software as "building a studio" now? This post really needs to be in Digital Recording and Computers. The Studio Building forum is for actual construction and acoustic design. It is not about what computer or software or interface to get. You can wait for a mod to move it or just repost in the correct place.

Good luck in your quest and welcome to the jungle.

Apologies for posting in the wrong place. I wasn't really sure where it belonged to be honest as I am new to this site.
Apologies for posting in the wrong place. I wasn't really sure where it belonged to be honest as I am new to this site.

Not a problem, dude. It happens a lot. I think it's a perception thing - what does "building a studio" mean? We should probably change the title and description of the other forum. (We? I mean they.)


PS - Go close the other thread or it will get confusing. I didn't expect such quick mod reaction. GZ is on top of his game tonight.
I use Sonar personally, but cubase is hella dope. What ever DAW you go with, you can still nab up a studio controller if you got some money to invest. This makes things easy, and then you have that realistic analog fader feel still.