Starting Out


New member
:eek: Our band is looking at recording its first digital demo. We've had to make use of a pair of 4trax up until now. We've got Cubase, and we've managed to use it to record some reasonable tracks.

What we need is any advice, especially regarding the adding of effects, and mixing levels: how much reverb do you put on a track and which tracks actually have reverb; what about compression? When mixing, do you start with a particular track and adjust the volume/panning of the others? Is it all just trial and error? Where do we start with equalizing?
We sound sort of like Blink182 and I guess we're looking to find the same sort of sound that the've got on their recordings: you know, two guitar tracks, bass, drums, two vocals. Any help you can give us would be appreciated. Thanks
I'm not familiar with that group but if it is clean stuff......

Concentrate on getting a good sound going in. Work hard at the quality of the initial stage of recording....Then take it to someone who has experience mixing. It's not something you can explain in a paragraph or two. If you want to try it on your own, then emulate the sound of Blink182. Listen to the individual instruments until you have a grasp of what each is contributing.
Think about getting someone who knows to mix though. You can lend them the Blink182 CD to refer to.

Ed has already done a series about mixing that is very thorough. It's on this site, so you may want to check it out. Here's the link to part one of the Mixing series. Look on the homepage for a link to the other parts.

If I were trying to get a sound like Blink182, then I would keep their CD with me at mixdown and A/B their CD to mine throughout the mix. Or better yet, get their producer and mixer to do your album (just kidding :D ) Seriously, A/B their CD with your mix is my suggestion.

Rev E

[This message has been edited by Rev E (edited 04-28-2000).]