stairway to heaven!! not written by page?..

Don't you think if it was true there would've been some kind of lawsuit, especially if there's video of it? My question is, why haven't you gone to youtube to try and find it?

That's what I want to know.
ok last night i was having a music discusion about various genres, and someone mentioned about how they had seen a video on you tube that was basically zeppelin on tour with another band, and page was sitting in the bus with a guitarist from whatever band it was, and the other guitarist from the other band was playing what we all know as stairway to heaven, and teaching it to page. a year or so later, stairway to heaven was released by zeppelin. so basically, it is a video of someone that had wrote stairway to heaven and was showing it to page for whatever reason, then page ripped it off and wrote stairway to heaven.

And yet no one can find this video. Your friend is full of shit. Period. If there was a video on youtube that showed Page ripping off Stairway, it would be pretty high up in youtubes rankings for most watched Zeppelin videos and would not be hard to find. Did the guy also tell you about all the satanic messages you hear if you play the song backwards:rolleyes:
While it's true that the descending bass line in the key of C on the guitar has been used by lots of bands (including the Beatles before Clapton and ... hell, Bach before the Beatles), it's not entirely relevant here. That progression is in C major, and the bass line is straight down the diatonic scale (C-B-A, and often continuing down to G maybe). I'd say the most common form of this progression is C - G/B (G with a B bass) - Am.

Naw man, you gotta hit Bb6 or you just aren't cool!
While it's true that the descending bass line in the key of C on the guitar has been used by lots of bands (including the Beatles before Clapton and ... hell, Bach before the Beatles), it's not entirely relevant here. That progression is in C major, and the bass line is straight down the diatonic scale (C-B-A, and often continuing down to G maybe). I'd say the most common form of this progression is C - G/B (G with a B bass) - Am.

Regardless, it's not even really close to "Stairway." That song is in a minor key (Am) in a totally different position on the fretboard (starting in fifth position), and the bass line descends chromatically, creating some much more sophisticated harmonies: Am - Am(maj7) - Am7 - F#m7b5 (or it could be viewed as Am6, or even a rootless D9).

Now this type of descending minor progression isn't all that new either. The Beatles used it in "Cry, Baby Cry" (in E minor though), and Tom Petty went on to use that progression for the verses of "Into the Great Wide Open."

Anyway, just wanted to clear that up.

Having seen the song perfromed by mister Page himself and observing the Led Zepplin live DVDs, a good portion of Stairway uses this run back and forth from C -Am then Am back to C. It's actually very relevant to the song. The tune is mostly in first position, only the beginning section uses the 5th fret formation. After the acoustic beginning the verses use this riff to the point of obnoxious droning.
Having seen the song perfromed by mister Page himself and observing the Led Zepplin live DVDs, a good portion of Stairway uses this run back and forth from C -Am then Am back to C. It's actually very relevant to the song. The tune is mostly in first position, only the beginning section uses the 5th fret formation. After the acoustic beginning the verses use this riff to the point of obnoxious droning.

Oh!!! I know the part you're talking about now.

The thing is, that's not the part that this thread is talking about. In other words, that's not the part that Page allegedly ripped off. The C - G/B - Am thing is almost as common as I - IV - V. The intro is what this thread is about, and that's why I said the C - G/B - Am thing wasn't relevant.
stairway to heaven

i read this too. I also read the name. I'll get back with the name (of the band and the book).Was it spirit? It is a true story, however it applies only to the intro,I believe.
This is how a lot of songs are written. You take something you like and work up something 'around it'. You then 'change your bits' as Page himself put it.
stairway to heaven

It was a song called Taurus by a band called Spirit.
Randy California often said he didnt consider it a ripoff, rather a re-working of his song.
The intro and first verse are practically identical.