ssd drives


Yeah I been drinkin, SO!?
Currently, I use my internal sata hard drive for stuff I'm working on at the moment, and an external usb hard drive as a "warehouse," moving recording sessions there I'm not working on, then moving them back to the internal when I work on them... you get the picture.

I was wondering if anyone uses ssd 'solid state' hard drives and notices an increase in performance. Since I could only afford a small one (64gb, maybe 128gb) I would be looking at moving a very small number of "active" sessions there at once, still using the external for "warehousing." It would be a lot more shuffling around of sessions, but is the increase in performance worth the trouble?

In case it matters, I use reaper with numerous plugins, and I use reason. I have a reasonably fast computer with 2gb ram

thanks for any help
In the real world, no you're not really going to notice any difference.

A standard cheap 7200rpm can still handle hundreds of tracks.

And ssd's really aren't ready for prime-time yet, there's still issues with limited write lifespan.

SSDs will eventually kill mechanical drives but they're just a few years off yet....
But if you want really good boot times and loading times (can be great for loading samples) and you have the cash they make good Boot and sample drives.
Especially with Win 7 which has SSD optimization built in

But for recording (unless you really, really want to spend some bucks) you'll do better with a 7200 RPM or a 10000RPM velociraptor