squire j-bass's

Bass Freak said:
mine says CHINA not KOREA....they arent the same, man.

and, it plays like theres no tomorrow :)


You probably have an old one. I have an old Squire strat made in China, and it's very nice. All the old Squires are pretty good, just the ones they're making now in Korea are crap.
Bass Freak said:
anyone try these out yet?

price tag is looking pretty nice, but is it junk?

Do yourself a favor and spend a few more bucks and get the Fender Americian Jazz Bass. ;)
for a while a couple of years back i played a squier p-bass like it was the only one in the world. the action was crazy low like nothing i'd played and the sound was .... well, it was ok i guess.

the new stuff looks like toys to buy from a department store ... buy a real instrument.

my personal tip, get a hold of an 80s Westone Thunder bass. british company made in Japan, got a couple of their guitars for like £150 each and wouldn't swap them for a Les Paul Studio (would swap for a custom simply cos of how good that thing looks - still just "mmmm...").

i almost got a thunder IIIA a while back, most beautiful instrument i've seen but unfortunately the bitch was so heavy i couldn't hold up my crappy back with it on!

pattygram said:
... but after shimming the neck( buisness card works best for me) the bass plays just fine. ... bottom line find one that feels decent, then get a good set up. dont be affraid of shimming, basses can often play much better with a lower action. rock on everyone!

hey pattygram,

could you explain "shimming" to me, please?! do you mean unscrewing the neck bolts, putting "something really thin" in between and screwing the neck on again? that simple?

thx for input!

i was wondering that too.......whats it do? is it normal paper? paper doesnt seem thick enough to put much extra hieght on it
