Squeezing Juice from Wavelab

Mew Sick

New member
I recently visited a friend who uses Wavelab Montages to do his MultiTracking. I was under the inpression that even a cheapo REAL multitracker can make things easier for laying down/mixing wav files. So... What can Real Multitracking software do that Wavelab's Montage cannot? Or... can you "squeeze" Wavelab's montage functionality to mimic multitracking-- efficiently/effectively?
:( Is there anyone using Wavelab who knows about the Montages?
If not, thanks for reading this anyway. :)
(I'll try to get more info next time I see my amigo.)
One of the main problems with using the Montage feature in Wavelab is that you cannot apply plugin's to the individual tracks. Yes, you can mix volumes and pan mono files, but that is about it.

Look into something like n-tracks, Sonar, or any number of other applications that allow you to use Aux sends, apply plugin's to seperate tracks, etc.....There are features that you just can't do without while mixing, UNLESS your source tracks sound so great on their own that you only need volume and pan features (not any mix I have done in the last, oh, 15 years!)

Thanks for responding Sonusman. I checked out the Steinberg site and here's how they advertise Wavelab 4.0 -- re: Montages: "Clips can be processed with up to 10 virtual effects per clip". So -- why not just put each good-sixed clip on a separate montage track and apply up to 10 Plug-Ins?

And then there's the Master Section in which you can add more DX Plug-Ins to the whole "montage". I gues this is probably more directed toward mastering the Final Stereo file -- and thus not as flexible for individual tracks?!?

There was no mention of Aux sends, though.

Have you tried this sort of thing? Or do you find it too limiting compared to Multitrackers? :confused:
Mew Sick,

I've worked a lot with Wavelab 3.0 and it is pretty time consuming to deal with the montage section. Besides the fact that there are no aux sends, you can also only apply VST plugs.
The DX plugs are restricted to the master section and that's a big pain in the...

This means that you often can't apply FX's in realtime. Instead you have to create a new file, put it in the montage and see if it works out or not.

However, the montage works great for me when I create a CD program to burn. You can easily create a CD the way you want it and applying CD markers is a piece of cake.

For multitracking, I second Ed.
