splitting a guitar signal?

Howdy, all! I'm looking for a way to split the signal directly from my guitar to two different processors, so I can record the same exact 'take' on two separate tracks with two distinct tones.

What would you suggest? Can I do it with a small mixer (and if so, how)? I don't even have a mixer right now -- I'm just going from my guitar to my POD to my soundcard (primitive, I know, but I'm poor and inexperienced) :o Otherwise, is there something designed for this process? Anyway, let me know. Thanks!

The program you are recording into( i assume your recording into a computer)should have a tab somewhere to clone the track you just recorded ..so now you have the exact same take on two tracks...you could put effects on one & leave the other one dry ,I mean if you wanted..& if you dont have that on your program i highly suggest getting another,,I prefer Cakewalk
Farview said:
The Pod Pro has an uneffected out for just this use.
Isn't that the Pod that's made specifically for pc recording? I saw one in a store here in Japan that came as a kit, with some software and all... I just don't recall which one it was. I want a line 6.... and a bass pod...
The pod pro is the big rack mount one. You are thinking of the guitar port. The pro is the $800 one.
Farview said:
The pod pro is the big rack mount one. You are thinking of the guitar port. The pro is the $800 one.
Ahhh sooo. Thanks. That was it! Guitar port... I'm going back to the store next month.... :D
Try a multi effects pedal, most of them have stereo outs. (I use a DOD FX7 but you should use whatever suits you) Most pedals of this type allow you to use effects or send a straight signal and other effects can be added after the signal is split. Another possibility is that your recording software might have track cloneing, this allows you to duplicate a track then add different effects to each track. There may be other methods but these are the easiest I could think of.