Spirit Folio: inserts and EQ


New member
I've just got a pro-tools mx-001. Suprisingly I've not had any troble getting to grips with the protools end of things(yet) it's integrating it into my other kit that's the problem. I have a spirit folio F1, 6-channel mixer that I want to use to route my mic signals as it's got preamps and a good EQ. The problem is that the insert connection is pre EQ and is the only output for individual channels. Is it common practice to record this way and then route the signals back for EQ once recorded? I know I can use auxillary sends but that limits me to 2 outputs. Am I the victim of short-sighted design on soundcraft's part. To be honest the 'hands-on' benefits of having a hardware mixer seem lost if all I'm using it for is boosting signals.
the F1 doesn't have direct outs? I thought they did. If not, you could use the main outs? + aux = 4 outs
Need more info on what you're trying to do.
