Spectacular Classical Recordings

From the RCA "Living Stereo" re-issues a few years back:

Saint-Saens: Symphony No.3; Boston Symphony under Charles Munch, recorded in 3-track analog.
Huge piece with the endings of the 2nd and 4th movements having looong deep organ pedal notes and full orchestra, all rendered with that 'big' sound of early analog tape and just a few mics. A great recording of a great piece of music.

Similarly, Mercury's "Living Presence":
Berlioz: Symphony Fantastique and other pieces; Detroit Symphony under Paul Paray.
Spirited, uplifting music beautifully played (Paray hums along in places ;)) done on 35mm magnetic fullcoat.

From Lyrita Records:
Malcolm Arnold: English & Irish Dances, Scottish & Cornish Dances, Sarabande and Polka.
London Philharmonic under Arnold himself.
Miniatures of folk dances, played with vigor, humor and sometimes floor-slamming dynamics. Arnold was a free spirit in English music; he also wrote the soundtrack score for "Bridge on the River Kwai."

I highly recommend all three.

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