Specific Isolation Headphone Advice.. pls.


Black Knights of the 4H.
I have scoured the boards and found lots of conflicting views on isolation headphones. most were not very recent.. that being said (or written) .. here is my situation:

I would like to track my band (three piece instrumental extreme mathrock/jazzfusion/progressiverock - with extreme dynamics and volume.. lots) bass/dr/git.. live with isolation headphones .. what i need is:

The best isolation possible at really high volumes for use in mic placement (i have a single room for tracking and mixing with no room isolation) my drummer hits very hard on the hard hitting parts..

Decent, if not, really high sound quality for tracking purposes - not for mixdown necessarily - but we would like to hear what is "going to tape" as we perform with as much clarity as possible.

Currently we all use the Audio Technica ATH-M40ƒs with a headphone amp.. there is too much bleed in and out of the cans - we all record to click tracks and they even bleed out during quiet passages.

I have read many conflicting opinions on the Direct Sound EX-29 Extreme Isolation .. or the MoreMe .. and the like in that price range .. $80 or so.

I would rather spend the money and "know" that they will perform .. $200 - $300 each. Any opinions on the GK UltraPhones or anything else in that range.
For number 1, try the Vic Firth or the StudioKans. Pretty decent isolation, but they clamp onto your head like a vise.

For number 2, try the MoreMe's; at $20, you don't have a lot to lose and you can always return them if you don't like them.

All of them play pretty loud and all of them have pretty good isolation.
Sennheiser HD280 - isolate very well (without being overly bulky) and sound very decent. I would get one pair of these and however many pairs of MoreMe's you need.
I have a pair of MoreMe and Extreme Isolations and don't care for either. IMO the audio quality is really lacking. if all you're doing is monitoring to play, they'll work though.

I prefer AKG K171 phones. Very good isolation and audio quality. The top is slightly hyped, which can be beneficial.
Get in-ears, such as the Etymotic Research ER-4p (41dB of isolation with the foam ear pieces).

If that's not enough, cover them with shooting earmuffs for extra isolation.
Get in-ears, such as the Etymotic Research ER-4p (41dB of isolation with the foam ear pieces).

If that's not enough, cover them with shooting earmuffs for extra isolation.

Thanks so much for the responses.

Have you noticed any microphonic qualities with regard to the cable? That was one of the comments I could find online about this product - "a thump with each step", "noise from body movement" et cetera. Granted, we will not be "power walking" while tracking .. and realistically, I doubt this would be too distracting once you acclimate to the phones.

Has any one else used these - along with comparable products?
I would love to hear opinions from those whom have used other things and can express the differences and why these may be a better choice.

They do seem to tout better attenuation (isolation) compared to other devices - along with the option to "piggy back" a supplemental isolation apparatus for even more. Which would be nice in case these "are a disappointment" when we are cranking it up.

They are available here for about $160: http://www.erwincomputers.com/etreerer4min.html

As I have indicated in my original post, I would be willing to pay more money for something that will "really do the trick".

Thanks for any opinions.