Speaking go electrical!


New member
Speaking of electrical!

I'm in the wiring stage now and I'm wondering how some of you plan your circuits. Is it best to stay 15amp? My thought was to have 1 20 amp circuit for the control room for the monitor's amps and the Mackie power supply. I thought it would be good to do 1 20 amp plug in the live room and 1 20 amp plug in the ISO booth for guitar and bass amps. All the lighting and other receptacles would be 15amp.

Is this a good plan?

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rushfan33 said:
I'm in the wiring stage now and I'm wondering how some of you plan your circuits. Is it best to stay 15amp? My thought was to have 1 20 amp circuit for the control room for the monitor's amps and the Mackie power supply. I thought it would be good to do 1 20 amp plug in the live room and 1 20 amp plug in the ISO booth for guitar and bass amps. All the lighting and other receptacles would be 15amp.

Personally I would not use anything less than 20 amp receptacle circuits unless you were creating a dedicated circuit for a piece of gear that required less than that. Make certain to use receptacle outlets rated for the ampacity of the circuit as well. Don't use receptacles rated at 15 amps on 20 amp circuits (or vis-versa).

It's never a problem having more capacity than you need - but doesn't work the other way around.

One other thing to think about.

Pull your power supply for gear off one leg of the panel - and your lighting and other needs off the other.

This goes a long ways towards quieting things down electrically.
