Speaker Cabinet?


New member
Hey guys,
I just got a Peavey Classic 30 amp head and am wondering what cabinet would go good with it. I want to spend no more than 300$ on it though. I'm not too knowlegeable on this sort of thing. Would the amp sound good through 1 12 inch speaker, or am I best off getting 2 12s?
Thanks guys.
You're probably not gonna find anything worthwhile for $300, unless you consider 1x12s, but I can't help you out there.

However, a pretty good budget cab company is Avatar, if you want to check out their 212s.


If you up your budget to $400, you have a lot more choices. If you can, look for used Orange 212s.
I just gave away an ampeg 4x12 slant cab cause I couldn't sell it for a hundred bucks. Tried for two years to sell the damn thing starting at 250.00. finally coming down to 100.00 for the last six months, then just gave up and gave it to a friend.
I have a Avatar 1x12 cab with an old Celestion, and it sounds pretty good. I think with a Avatar cab, and a Celestion it would be around 300 with or without shipping.... If you want I can record what the cab sounds like ... Btw I am using a bassman head through it...
I just gave away an ampeg 4x12 slant cab cause I couldn't sell it for a hundred bucks. Tried for two years to sell the damn thing starting at 250.00. finally coming down to 100.00 for the last six months, then just gave up and gave it to a friend.

Wish I would have known.:(