speak' terminal>rca jack


New member
Hello. I'm thinking of buying these speakers, but the output is a terminal (speaker wire, w/o any jacks), but my mixer that I want to hook it into only accepts rca jacks. Is it possible to get them to work together?
It's a dj setup and all the in/outputs on the back of the mixer are RCA's. But the speakers I want are just regular L/R cable. Is there a way to connect the 2?
Yo Riddler:

They make RCA to 1/4 inch connectors....or almost any other combination you might need.

But, your speakers have to "connect" some way and from your post it sounds like your speakers have NO connection points. But, that can't be unless they are wireless. Then, you would need a transformer bypass or something like that.

Green Hornet:D :D :cool: :cool:
The speaks have 'terminals.' I just learned a new word. It's those little red/black clips that flip up and you stick the L or R wire in to connect them. That's what I'm looking for, essentially: terminal wire>rca jack
Hey dawg - you need an amplifier in there somewhere. That DJ mixer using 1/4" RCA outputs is line level (preamp level). Those speakers with L/R speaker wire coming out are looking for an amplified signal.

That's why they're a different type of terminal... it's to keep people from just using an adapter and hooking them together.

Short answer: the "adapter" you are looking for is a power amplifier. :)
What B.D. said!
Ridl, your basic DJ set-up is 2 turntables & a mic to mixer in then mixer out to amp connected to speakers!
