Space Oddity cover


New member
Space Oddity by stasz92 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

Recorded on a Tascam 424 mkii. I didn't bounce any tracks so it really is just 4 tracks (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and 2 vocals). I'm mostly concerned about the sound of the vocals. I'm still experimenting with EQ but I'm not sure if I like the sound I got. I'm basically trying to get a rock vocal sound similar to the original David Bowie recording. I cut some lows and low-mids (around 250 Hz). Both vocals were recorded with an Audio Technica AT3035 through a Mackie Onyx Blackjack into the Tascam. Please feel free to criticize and tell me what I'm doing wrong, because I know this is a trial-and-error process.

The handclaps sound pretty weak, so I probably could have overdubbed a couple more tracks of those. Also, please excuse the cheesy countdown sequence (I couldn't resist) and the fake English accent :)

Thanks! -Stasz
Forgot to attach the mp3 file. Sorry to double post but when I edit my post the "go advanced" button isn't working so I can't add attachments to my first post. I attached it to this post. Thanks again.


  • Space Oddity.mp3
    4.7 MB · Views: 2
I listened to the Soundcloud version if it makes a difference.
The reverb/echo on the lead guitar makes it sound "out of the mix" although the level is good.
The claps are peaking out.
The acoustic could come up a tad.
The vocals are very good - if you can wrap the rest of the tracks around them it would be good.
Have you thought about moving away from tape to a computer software program?
I listened to the Soundcloud version if it makes a difference.
The reverb/echo on the lead guitar makes it sound "out of the mix" although the level is good.
The claps are peaking out.
The acoustic could come up a tad.
The vocals are very good - if you can wrap the rest of the tracks around them it would be good.

Thanks for the tips. I tried to back up from the mic a bit for the claps but I think you're right about the clipping. Should be easy to re-record.

Have you thought about moving away from tape to a computer software program?

I've done some digital recording as well (using Reaper), but the whole analog thing fascinates me so I wanted to give it a try.

Here's the first recording I did on the Tascam, Moonage Daydream (another Bowie cover just by coincidence. I don't know why though because I can't do his vocals justice :)) The Space Oddity cover was recorded on High Bias tape at 3 1/4 ips but this one was recorded on Normal Bias tape at 1 7⁄8 ips, so there is a lot of tape hiss. I also didn't apply any eq to the vocals or guitar on this one, so the whole thing sounds a lot more muddy.