SP C4 and friends in Canada.

actually I have just discovered our strong dollar (Canadian one that is) has started to affect the prices in stores here. L&M just dropped their price on the Omni Studio from $695 to $620.

ANy other canucks here know of a better price than that in canada on the Omni Studio? L&M will price match any Canadian retailers, but not US retailers.
I just bought a set ofAKG K-55 headphones yesterday for...39.95 at L&M... about 6 months ago they were 5 bucks more, either this is a reflection of changing dollar values, or, their just ttryna get rid of stuff.

When I was computer shopping, I did find a lot of cheaper prices in the US, but when I factored in the cost of shipping I found my savings to be fairly minimal. Albeit there was still a savings to be had, I found it comforting to have what I wanted that day, instead of waiting for all the fun stuff to occur at the border. Plus it helps the local economy :D .

Musical gear is pretty much the same I have found, although the one price that is really killer still is that delta 1010 lt for $249 American. Theres a link here somewhere. I only say this because I noticed you are looking at a delta 66, I have one, and well, damn I wish I had a 1010 instead :( . Then again I sometimes am recording multiple instruments, you may not be.

Vansterdam island sounds like a nice place. I get to check it out in August for two weeks. Isn't that around harvest time ? :D

PS Sometimes those fellows at AX really piss me off with the goddamn condecentious attitudes they give a person, especially yesterday on the phone. As of right now I'm spending my dollars elsewhere. This may only be a local thing. Pukey attitudes I can deal without.
man@work said:
Check this site out for SP prices


I haven't purchased anything from
them yet, and am not affiliated with
them. Has anyone delt with them?


I just bought (a month ago) a C1 from my local L&M (in Regina) for $400.00. Which is ridiculously expensive considering I could have gotten it for $200.00 US INCLUDING free shipping from EastCoastMusicMall (I don't think that deal is on anymore).

The only reason I went with L&M is because I was able to trade in my AKG C1000s and Art Tube Pac toward it, saving me the hassle of trying to sell them on Ebay. I only had to put another $50.00 in (mostly for taxes), but I won't shop with them again. Way too expensive! Saved by Technology lists the exact same prices for SP mics. Ouch!:mad:

Especially with the US dollar suffering, I think it's time we send L&M the message that we are now in a global marketplace, and maybe they should put some effort into it if they want to compete!:rolleyes:

Here is where the 1010 is at for 249$ Thats under $400 Canadian. I did not read about shipping to Canada, but maybe if they don't just get it shipped to the border and pick it up yerself :D...I paid 450$ Canadian for my 66...it was on sale 6 months ago (AXE music), so it looks like maybe the regular prices are coming down.

"This is a myth. The only tax you will be charged coming through the border on the vast majority of recording equipment is GST/PST (which in most provinces is about 15%, so I'm guessing that's what you are referring to)."

You are right, I was refering to the 15% tax, not another duty.

To get around this, I often order things out of province which cuts the tax you pay in half (7% GST). So in order for the US price to be better it would have to be less the exchange rate, and the 8% tax savings. On gear not from the US, (HHB, focusrite, etc.) usually you can do better in Canada.
hey cstockdale! Another person from victoria!

Well i'm actually out in sidney, by the ferries.

Yea i bought my guitar from tempo trends, but for gear they really aren't great. Pacific audio works is more of an industrial place, near may fair mall, it does mainly large installs, but you can order a lot of stuff from them.

I've always wondered about ordering stuff from the US, so whats the routine for that? You don't have to pay a lot of additional fee's? Just whatever the cost is plus shipping? Any tricks for avoiding things? I've heard using UPS will get you into a bunch of boarder fee's.

My guitar teacher actually works at long and mcquade...
ambi said:
hey cstockdale! Another person from victoria!

Well i'm actually out in sidney, by the ferries.

Yea i bought my guitar from tempo trends, but for gear they really aren't great. Pacific audio works is more of an industrial place, near may fair mall, it does mainly large installs, but you can order a lot of stuff from them.

I've always wondered about ordering stuff from the US, so whats the routine for that? You don't have to pay a lot of additional fee's? Just whatever the cost is plus shipping? Any tricks for avoiding things? I've heard using UPS will get you into a bunch of boarder fee's.

My guitar teacher actually works at long and mcquade...
if you order from the USA via UPS you have to pay GST + PST when they show up at your door. As far as I recall, I haven't had to pay any other duties (I have ordered a J-station from the US, and have a mic on the way, let you know what I have to pay).

But, GST + PST is something you have to pay here too, but keep it in mind when pricematching.

There is a home recording forum at L&M the first thursday of every month (tonight's topic is EQing), but I am going to watch hockey tonight instead.

You in a band out in Sidney, or just a solo guy/gal? What kind of stuff are you doing?
i've been to most of the sessions at long and mcquade, but i'm lazy tonight.

Well i've always been mostly into recording and mixing and writing. But lately i've been talking classical guitar and a little bit of piano, but only for a few months so i'm still really bad. I like to write and i couldn't really sing so i tried sorta sing/rappin but that didn't entirely work. I'm doing a few vocal lessons with my piano teacher, but it's all just good fun, she's moving to norway in a few weeks anyways...

Yea i'm not in a band i don't really play anything well enough. Just basics i'm learning. And i've been so god damn busy i haven't had much time to practice. I'm more of a recording technical person, but i love music so much and spend most of my time listening to it, so i just had to get into learning to play it.

What about you?
I have a songwriting partner/fellow singer/guitarist, but we are not playing any gigs yet. I have done a ton in the past, but have been on hiatus for a couple of years now, decided to record an EP before I got back out there, but as you know (and everyone here does), it is never good enough, and I always need that one-more-piece-of-gear to make my acoustic sound right, or my vox....

maybe by the fall I will start doing some shows again. In the meantime, I may hit Steamer's once in a while for the Monday open mic.

I play guitar/sing/ and have been getting into piano and keys esp. so I can take advantage of all the MIDI stuff I have on my PC.
jslator said:
We're a rare breed. :)

that's because you all die of frostbite. Hey...is that why all Edmontonians are metalheads (apologies if you are not one, or is that apologies if you are one?) because their fingers are so cold they just can't keep still?
When i bought my Omni studio, i got it mail-order from http://kellysmusic.ca in Manitoba. Their price on that SMOKED Long & Mcquade. On the other hand, some other stuff was more similarly priced between the two. Whatever. I guess you just have to keep checking...

For mics, i'll be honest: i never even bothered pricing them locally. I just assumed i wouldn't be able to find them, or they would be outrageously priced. I bought my B1 and 603's from a US dealer, http://www.micguys.com and was pleased with their pricing and service.

Both mic orders arrived with zero duty, though i think i had to pay GST. NEVER let anyone in the USA ship stuff to you via UPS. They will f&ck you at the drive through. I remember buying a used j-station off ebay, and the seller shipped it via UPS despite my telling him not to, and by the time i got it home, it had cost as much (or more) as if i bought a new one at Long & McQuade. (Sorry. Rant mode off.) :o

Anyway, i'm also in Victoria. Ambi, i remember a thread of yours some time ago, and thinking to myself "Who in Sidney, BC plays steel drum?" ;)

Be seeing you,

Hey piper you may seem him infront of the eatons center sometimes. He plays in sidney sometimes too.

Thanks a lot for the info about ordering online. I've never been sure about that in Canada. It's nice to know that i won't get dinged for wierd boarder fee's. I can never seem to find any mics i want locally so it's nice to know i have access to them. We should have a thread just about ordering stuff from the US from in Canada, and all of us Canucks will post the best ways/places to order from.
cstockdale said:
that's because you all die of frostbite. Hey...is that why all Edmontonians are metalheads (apologies if you are not one, or is that apologies if you are one?) because their fingers are so cold they just can't keep still?

I think that is also why there are so many mullets, gotta keep the neck warm
ambi said:
Thanks a lot for the info about ordering online. I've never been sure about that in Canada. It's nice to know that i won't get dinged for wierd boarder fee's. I can never seem to find any mics i want locally so it's nice to know i have access to them. We should have a thread just about ordering stuff from the US from in Canada, and all of us Canucks will post the best ways/places to order from.

Thread title : Homerecording.ca :confused: :D

lomky said:
I think that is also why there are so many mullets, gotta keep the neck warm

I don't see any mullets here in Calgary, so it must be damn cold there, or, god forbid, people actually like mullets there :eek: ...
lomky said:
Yeah, but you guys have cowboy hats.


Some of them might just wind up on the hood of my truck if any of those closet cowboys get too close during the two weeks of July. The circus has already started, there's cheesy wooden storefronts everywhere, and friggin Wal-Mart is loaded to the tits with hats already. The only good thing about the Stampede are the cheap tickets to see good bands. Generally speaking I hibernate during this time of year here :D.