SP B1, phantom power, and pads


Usually the inline pads made as H-type attenuator with two
56 Ohm resistors in series and 150 Ohm resistor across the center taps (for -10 attenuation). The 112 Ohm resitance in series with standard 6.81K phantom power current drop resistors has negligibale effect. You are fine.
Marik, would you please detail that a bit more so I can build one?

Also include the r-values for -20dB

Thanks in advance...
Hope it won't screw format:

-----56 Ohm--+--56 Ohm----

...............150 Ohm..............

-----56 Ohm--+--56 Ohm----

For -20db change four 56 Ohm resistors for 82 Ohm, and 150 Ohm (tied between + signs, please disregard dots--I needed them to keep 150 Ohm in the middle) to 39 Ohm.

If it is unclear let me know and I will draw and post schematics.
Is this how you intended it to look?>

Yes, just replace 150 Ohm resistor with 39 Ohm--this one for

<I assume the pad is across the two hot leads, and the ground is passed through?>


I modified the drawing for the center resistor change. Please use the above link, and verify.


Looks good! The interesting thing is that it works not as a resistance divider, but the 39 Ohm leak resistor connects (+) and (-) of the signal and they cancel each other.