Sources for Pre Built DAW's?

I'm not a company, but I build them for very nominal gear-fees... like perhaps a microphone, some good cable, etc... cant beat it really. My new DAW rocks, and its the 10th or so that I have built, one of the 1st for my self.
Tell me what you want, and it'll only cost you 1 MXL 603 to build it. Hows that? :)
Tubedude - What do you consider the ideal setup at this moment? Built my last DAW 1 1/2 years ago. Abit BE7 Rev II with PIII 700MHz, 128M SDRAM, Maxtor 40G 7200 RPM (removeable), Win 98SE, CW PA 9.0 with DSP Factory. Sold the DSP Factory and now use Aardvark Q10.

Wife is on the computer a lot now so it's time to build another one.

tubedude said:
Tell me what you want, and it'll only cost you 1 MXL 603 to build it. Hows that? :)

Blakmore, I'd negotiate here. Offer Tubedude Radio Shack mic first and see what you can get :)

Seriously, Tubedude's price is good. Or, there is bound to be a small computer company near you that can do the job for a nominal fee. You would need to do your homework to find all the specific parts you want (weighing budget vs. your recording needs), but then you know exactly what you are getting. There is lots of advice on this site about preferred options for all components.
Here's a vote for SoundChaser. I bought my DAW there, and for me it has been worth every dime. Yes, it is expensive. Yes, you could assemble such a machine yourself from raw parts, and save a bundle. Yes, if your hobby is assembling Windows machines from raw parts, and you know the process like the back of your hand, you _should_ do it yourself.

Or have Tubedude do it for you. But if you don't live, sleep, and breathe Windows machines, have _somebody_ do it for you. If hacking Windows isn't a native talent for you, think twice about trying it yourself. The folks here who claim that the process is easy have an unfair advantage: *experience* in dealing with the vagaries of Windows! It can be done, but it ain't pleasant for the average Joe who doesn't have that experience.

Speaking strictly for myself: I work with Unix computers all day every day in my real profession, and the last damned thing I wanted to do was screw around with a Windows box for weeks before I could use it as anything but a paperweight. The time and frustration I saved (over doing it myself) more than accounted for the extra bucks I paid SoundChaser to have a machine show up preinstalled, preconfigured, pretested, debugged, and optimized for audio: I was using Cubase on it the day it arrived. While I've learned much of what I need to know since buying that box, and believe that I _could_ probably pull it oiff myself in a reasonable amount of time _now_, there would have been no freakin' way when I first started out- and I'm a long way away from being computer-illiterate.

Tubedude's offer sounds like a good one, and is a lot cheaper than going with SoundChaser. If that offer had been on the table when I bought mine, I'd probably have gone with him instead. Hope that helps...
Not to step on tubedude's toes here, but I could also build a nice DAW for anybody who wants one. He's in Kentucky and I'm in Arizona, so if you're close enough to one of us you could save some money on shipping.
Thanks to all for the info.

There's no doubt that I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to using my pc for recording (especially the software side.....:) ), but I am an experienced pc builder / "tweaker".

The only reason I was looking at buying a prebuilt pc was to save myself some time ("real life" is a bit busy right now :) ).

1. Tubedude - I'm sure your stuff is great and I appreciate your reply, but if I build one I will do it myself.

2. The main thing I like about is that they offer "bare bones systems". I already have a Layla, Omni Studio and Cubase VST so I'm set in the recording / software area. Even though the bare bones is basically a "Dell" at least dawbox offers customer support geared towards pc based recording systems.

3. Has anyone bought / dealt with dawbox before? Good / bad experience?

Thanks again. This is a great forum.
Diragor - your post came in when I was writing my reply to Tubedude.

I live in Los Angeles btw...

Thanks for the info though.