Sounds like crap on speakers/good on headphones


New member
I've got a tune I'm trying to mix and it seems to sound fine on a pair of headphones. As soon as I put it on speakers, it sounds dead.
I know it needs mixing and EQing and was hoping somebody would have some suggestions.

The vocals still have to be added and some additional guitar parts etc.. but I'd like to work on the instrumental mix a little before proceeding.
Any ideas?
Was it mixed on headphones? If so, that's part of the problem. Headphones are good for monitoring while tracking and critical listening. But they're not good for mixing.
Hmmmm.... Sounds kind of dead on my headphones (sorry, no monitors here at work). What kind of sound sources are you using? It needs more high end. Maybe try changing one or two of the synth pads for one with less body and more bite. OTOH, there's lots of room for the vocal, so it could be OK as is. The low end is really boomy. I would try cutting some of the low end off the bass.

Yeah, I've had this problem before. I think that lots of people that have home recording studios probably run into this. It sounds great while tracking when listening to head phones, then doesn't sound so hot...

Sad to say, I've had to scrap whole projects because of this.

I recently ditched my cheap headphones and got a pair of HD280's. That has helped me alot. I now get a much more accurate picture when tracking so that there aren't these nasty "surprises" when listing through speakers later...

And these headphones do a pretty good job of cutting out room noise, so I'm hearing more of what the nice hears and less of the actual source.
and note that I didn't listen to your mixes, I suck at mixing so I won't pretend to have good specific advice for you!

Good luck.