Sounds In The Night - crititiques away!


New member
This is a song I wrote maybe last fall but haven't bothered to do full tracking until recently. I know my singing's not great, so try to listen to the rest. How is the mix? What would you change?

Some of the things I would change (besides getting a good vocalist): maybe only 1 guitar insead of double-tracked, maybe a keyboard patch in place of the harmonica. I'm not really happy w/the bass drum sound - I ought to poke around through the other settings available.

Notes: Bass DI, Guitars DI -> Ampire amp sim, Harmonica and Vox recorded with an Electro-Voice Co9, Drums are virtual instruments; recorded and mixed in Studio One

Welcome to the "lots of musical ideas but can't carry a tune" club. :p Thankfully I still have friend who does the vocals on the more emotive tracks for me. In the meantime, autotune/melodyne would help make this more pleasing to the listener.

I agree about the kick drum, it's mushy. May need to choose a different kit/sample. I don't hear any cymbals (?).
Thanks for listening. No, no cymbals, until the very last downbeat of the tune - that was intentional. Though now that you mention it, a few cymbal hits in the chorus might enhance things.
I agree that a different kick sample would work better. Bring up the bass and make it play nice with the kick. Also this mix sounds super dry to me. You should add some reverb to make this recording feel a bit more like a band in a room.