Soundproofing-- Cup Holders?

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I just remembered in the movie "Hustle and Flow", DJAY's home studio had those McDonald's cup holders stapled to the wall... does that really work?
And they are a bit of a fire hazard.
Been discussed many times before and I would not have had to learn by cold hard experience had I used the search function on this forum.:o
I just remembered in the movie "Hustle and Flow", DJAY's home studio had those McDonald's cup holders stapled to the wall... does that really work?

No because the cups keep falling out


Cup holders and egg crates are pretty much the same thing and neither one works.
You want rigid fiberglass or rock/mineral wool in the 3.5-8pcf range.
I just remembered in the movie "Hustle and Flow", DJAY's home studio had those McDonald's cup holders stapled to the wall... does that really work?

I saw this technique used successfully on Sanford and Son's. Yeah, I think Fred was trying to get some mean tone on his harmonical while Lamont was kcikin' it on the bass. Well, they were having issues of the bass amp causing some rattling of the coffee pot in the kitchen. So Lamont goes to McDonalds and brings back.....

Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D

Anyway, anything that has volume and mass, and can be filled with some kind of absorbant material, yada yada. I don't think the empty cup holders alone will do anything but buzzzzzzzz! Good luck. :)
This sounds strange but i have had good luck in the past with staggered layers of quilts and sleeping bags. IF i had to paint you a verbal picture i wouldbe typing all day. But thats my two cents.
They wont soundproof a bit...but they will break up slap back echo which is of some benifit...but it will make your studio go up in flames faster than a Rhode Island nightclub.:eek:
cup holders stapled to the wall... does that really work?


While your here, explore the difference between "Soundproofing" and "Acoustical Treatments". They are very different objectives with very different methods. Your cup holders will do little as acoustical treatments and even less as soundproofing.

Stick around. You'll learn A LOT here... :)