Soundcraft Spirit or Outboard EQ


New member
I'm using a Soundcraft 200 series board now, I like a lot but I'm stuck with these fixed eqs, no sweepable mids. I'd love to get 4 channels of outboard eq's, but they are crazy expensive for the good ones. Or I could get another board to mix on like the Spirit which has a little more flexible eq. Any suggestions about outboard eq or any opinions on the Spirit mixers?
Off the top of my head, the Spirits only have a swept mid, right? Seems like a bit far to go for a band of semi-para mid especially if you're happy with your 200 otherwise, and you may find the Spirit a bit more sonically pedestrian than your 200, though I haven't a/b'd them.

Have you considered rolling your own? I haven't used/heard them, but have a look at kits like the PAIA Fully parametric and pretty cheap, doesn't look like too hard a build either.
Have you considered rolling your own? I haven't used/heard them, but have a look at kits like the PAIA Fully parametric and pretty cheap, doesn't look like too hard a build either.

I did consider it but I was looking at some last night and when I saw the pc board and what was involved I had second thoughts. But if those are kits that would be different. I'd just like something of great quality.

I just checked that out. Even that is almost $200 per channel when you add the power supply and front panel. And I don't know the quality. I bid a stereo UREI on the other day and it went for $300.00. Just missed getting it.
I think you're right about the spirit. I think I'm better off going for some quality outboard eq's. My other option is to simply insert the channels from my M35, which actually works pretty good. And it's cheaper. :D But it would be nice to find some good eq on the cheap that's made for the job.
Well, great rack EQs don't come cheap (four figure price tags), so as you've found, you'll have to get a little inventive or look for sleepers.

Something else to check out...DBX 242, Orban designed if I recall correctly.
Something else to check out...DBX 242, Orban designed if I recall correctly.

Thanks, I will check them out. I've been looking at Orbans for a while and they go fairly reasonable. But you wouldn't know it by the buy it now prices on Ebay. None of them go for those prices.