Soundcraft Ghost+XT-20+ ADAT noise control


New member
I have Soundcraft Ghost w meterbridge and 2 x XT-20.
There seems to be a problem with the Ghosts meters.
Example: a kick drum. ADAT meters go near to 0 dbfs but the meter on the corresponding Ghost channel stays well below 0db level. Ghost is configured for +4dbu and I am using the ELCO connector on the adats.

Testing with the Ghost oscillator is ok (when adat meter is at -15), the Ghost (tape return) meter is at 0 (first orange/yellow led).

I guess this problem reveals itself only with fast signals.

What gives? Too slow meter ballistics?

The adats are quite noisy. I normally use quite low monitoring levels so the adat noise can become quite bothersome. Any solutions?

Lot's of pretty relavence!

I bought that $700 meter bridge add on two when I bought my Ghost over 3 1/2 years ago. Great visual effect for clients, but they are worthless for metering! Trust your ADAT meters only.

XT-20's do not make noise. You have a problem elsewhere, unless you happen to have a couple of defective ADAT's or something, highly unlikely thought. You might want to check you power amp for the monitors.

Are the meters really a piece of crap? That's the feeling I have had for a while. Wow.

I was referring to the mechanical noise of the adats when the tape transport is encaged...the signal path is dead quiet. Sorry for the confusion! Any tips on this?

The only thing that can be done about mechanical noise on ADATs is lubing them appropriately (if they need it), but it is essentially a sophisticated VHS tape transport, which is inherently noisy...

...the best solution is to get a BRC and move the ADATs to another room...

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound