Soundcloud player in our posts


New member
Forgive me, I'm not real computer / internet savy - but - I've got a sound cloud account and some tunes uploaded would like to be schooled on how to insert the soundcloud song/player in my posts. I only want this because I'm sure that everyone feels like I do = It's a pain in the arse to download and listen to other posters tunes (unless the tune needs to be saved for playback on a seperate sound system) to give feedback. It would be killer if more of us would or could do so to simplify the way we help and crituque each other.
Just a thought - but I still would like to be schooled with a "how to".


Actually...with SoundCloud...people don't have to download anything, you just give them a link to your Sound Cloud page and they can play your clips directly off that web downloading needed.

AFA embedding the actual Sound Cloud wave file in the have to use the Advanced reply box ("Go Advanced")...and then just click on the Sound Cloud icon -- second row all the way to the right.