soundcard preamp better then mackie?


New member
I am about to get into computer recording on a budget. I know the Omnistudio is suppose to be stellar, but I would rather just spend $150 on the audiophile if the sound quality is very good. Is it when compared to the omni? My big concern is preamps. Ads always say the preamps in the omni are really good. How do they compare to the amps in mackie boards? If the audiophile has a high sound quality, I would just assume buy that now and later on get a used mackie 1202 for about $200. But if the preamps in the omni are better, I guess I might suck it up and spend the $400 at once for the omni. I am only recording midi gear, no live instruments or band type stuff so I don't care about having to track things one track at a time or whatever with the audiophile. You guys let me know your opinons about these pieces of gear.

if you're only recording midi gear...what do you need preamps for?

also = I would venture a guess that the Audiophile A/D converters are the same as you would find in the Delta66 (which comes in the omnistudio 'bundle'). don't really know about the preamps (though I have read more than enough great reviews of the omnistudio pre's to convince me to buy)
better is a subjective word....with that said, I think the Omni's pre's are better than Mackies...lots of people agree....

the Audiophile has the same converters as the Omni but they are on a PCI card, maybe adding a tad more noise, but not enough to really notice....also the inputs are unbalanced, if that even matters to you...

I have the Audiophile and I love it....if youll ever have the need for preamps (2) and if you are doing SERIOUS recording, get the Omni....
for what it does, the omni package is a steal.....mixers are a different question.....i like the studiomaster line..........if i were doing all midi , i'd try a soundblaster....lot of driver support.
Thanks for th info guys. Gidge, I'm glad I could find someone with hands-on experience with the Audiophile. I guess I should do what my heart was telling me was the right move all along and save a few more weeks for the omni. Damn, if I had $300 bucks a couple days ago, someone had an Omnistudio for a buy it now price of $300 straight up.