Soundcard Busted, Main Card Replacement?


New member
I am using a full pack Sound Blaster Live. I think my audio main card is spoilt, first, i could not get any input signal from both line-in and mic-in. And now the main output signal sounds distorted and only right channel.....and the Audio Extension card is fine. Can i only get a new audio main card ?
Will it compatible with the extension card?
Or is there any other solution none than getting a whole new package?
Originally posted by akiawayne:
I am using a full pack Sound Blaster Live. I think my audio main card is spoilt, first, i could not get any input signal from both line-in and mic-in. And now the main output signal sounds distorted and only right channel.....and the Audio Extension card is fine. Can i only get a new audio main card ?
Will it compatible with the extension card?
Or is there any other solution none than getting a whole new package?
the sblive, as far as i know, can only record from one course at a time. if you open up your sb live! mixer, the far left detatched-looking section is the one that currently records. click on the picture to pick which device to currently record from. as far as mic in, you can only input a mono signal, and at mic level. if you're pumping anything higher, it should be distorted. note that generally, the mono signal whould be coming out of the left speaker, unless you're putting the mic in the right side of a dual mono to stereo converter. all that in mind, that's what your problem sounds like to me; not likely a hardware problem at all. by the way, i don't think any other card can use the sblive's IO daughtercard, though the live value can use daughtercards designed for it (don't know that it can use that same one though). i have a live value myself, and though it's not a nice shiny $1000 24/96 recording card, it doesn't sound half bad, and is a neat toy. i'll buy a better card later (first, i'm upgrading the
mics and preamp :)