soundcard and mixer help


New member
im currently recording through a MX1604A behringer into my PC's default sound blaster live! card... its not the greatest. lol i got a good fast PC itll handle enough. my question is - what equipment/ setup should i have/get if i want to record lets say 2 guitars and vocals in multitrack. someone told me my mixer handles 6 seperate outs. i dunno bout that lol. give me some tips on whether i need a better mixer, and most importantly what soundcard?

also on the delta 44. it has 4 outs. is that to connect 4 speakers??? i have no clue bout that thing
WOW DUDE... 2 days, 21 views and no posts... do you guys just hate me or i said something stupid??? im starting to think everyone here has a grudge against me... just cuz im a nazi/psycho/rapist/maniac/skitzo/kkk member/hells angel doesnt mean we cant get along! come onnn

btw i saw dream theater and queensryche tonite. BLEW MY FUCKING MIND MANNNN GO SEE IT
You will want to get yourself a new sound card :D You can go to this thread:
It has some good info on multi-track cards, but I don't know what your budget it. The only way you are going to record 3 things at once noe is to buy a mixer, but then you lose control of those tracks for mix-down. 4 outs is generally used for main sends (to monitors or monitor amp) and 2 FX sends for external gear for mixing.
so i looked into the delta 44. seems awesome for the price. would it be logical to run instruments into the mixer, THEN the delta 44 box, and into the pC? or is that just extra complications? i just dont want my mixer to be useless lol
The only thin you'd really use the mixer for in your setup would really be for the mic pre-amps. If you have processors or pre-amps for your instruments, they are already going to be at line-level, so the less you put between the processor/preamp the better. As far as your mics go, you can use the board as a preamp and ise the "Insert" jack to pick the signal out to route to your sound card.