SoundBlaster Live! soundfonts to tracks


New member
This could cover two different sections here so I'll start here. I just got my Fostex MR-8 and i'm recording from CWPA9 using a SB Live! Value card. The problem is as listed below...

When listning to the sound via the computer, the sound quality is fine. However, when I record to the MR-8 I get a flat sound. Kind of like it's being recorded from a cassette deck. The only thing I can think is that 1) it's the cable 2) the settings on the computer for sound (though I've checked them) or 3) buy a synth.

3 is a very unlikely option. Though 2 and 1 are likely to be the root of the trouble. I'm sure others have used this method, but with what success?

If anyone has any ideas then please let me know. ;)
The other alternative for you would be to use the 'WavManager' of MR8 to export the cakewalk tracks to MR8 thru' USB. You will most likely be forced to convert your CW stereo tracks to mono before you can do so.
AlChuck: This is perhaps the trouble as stereo going through a mono cable is not going to give the same result as a stereo cable with (1) 1/8" to (2) 1/4" and record stereo to track 1 and 2. I haven't tried this, but it seems like a logical solution.

MelodyandBeats: I don't think this is going to work since I am using CWPA9 for midi composing and using the MR-8 for any vocals or guitars.

Thanks for the help so far and the pointers. ;)