Soundblaster Live opinions


New member
I have settled on purchasing the Delta 66 soundcard, but I was just curious to know, how far does a soundblaster live card go in eliminating the typical interfernce you get from a cheap integrated soundcard that is built in your computer? I see the SBL cards mentioned a lot.

Will you get fairly clear recordings from it?
Well, I would assume the Delta would be much better,
but the Soundblaster Live is OK. I have one,
and I Darla 24, so I dont use the SB anymore, the
Darla24 makes far nicer recordings.
I think the SoundBlaster Live Value for $50 is a great value. I have a couple of them and use them for things like recording albums and old cassettes. Great for games too. I have also found that Cakewalk files I recorded on my Gadgetlabs Wave 824 will play back on the Sound Blaster - I'm not sure how, but it works (2 channels only of course).

However if you are serious about audio quality in original music you will need a quality 24 bit card. I don't know much about the Delta but people on this board seem to like them, so I think it would be a safe purchase.
SB Live is a very good sound card for the money. All the Delta cards I've used are great, I have a 1010, and they shouldn't even be compared to the SB Live cards for recording. Not even the same league.

From my experience with both of my Live cards, the analog inputs and outputs are terrible as far as getting a good clean signal. I went into the card digitally whenever I used it for recording, and it was fine for me at the time. I'm sure it's better than most built-in soundcards, but partially cause you can easily take the thing out of the case as you replace it with a real recording card. ;)