Soundblaster causing this?


New member
Alright, recently I've decided to use my computer as my new tape machine. I set it up to preserve some of my old analog recordings.

I use Goldwave, and I plug my mixer into my stereo line input on my sound card. But . . . it sounds horrible! It sounds like when you listen to a Walkman with the plug not all the way in--kinda stereo, kinda not.

It's not just slightly bad, it is REALLY bad! I took my Soundblaster out, and used my on-board sound card. The ploblem was gone. But my on-board sound card doesn't have full duplex.

Does anyone here have any positive experience with soundblasters? I really don't want to buy a new sound card.
The SB is perfectly OK, certainly better than any on-board chip. Either the card is defective, or you must be doing something wrong. Perhaps you are sending a using the wrong input (mic in for a line level signal, or line in for a mic signal)?
yeah, go into volume control on your computer, make sure ya click the recording mixer in the options tab, then check the line in volume slider and pull that down some, see if that helps.

