Sound recording serious problems.


New member
Well, I'm doing some subtitle recording last weekend and everything is going fine but suddenly problem arises when I'm about to complete my last subtitle recording work.

I tried recording with the mic but a LOT of clipping comes out. Then it happens with the mic can't receive most voice from me. I then try fixing it but recording the sound from the computer itself. Fine at first. And the recording goes on fine for ONCE.

Then the same thing happened, but this time cannot even get a SINGLE thing! And I tried recording the computer's sound itself again, its ok, but came out with a heavy offset. [ The silence/little volume sound ] goes all down like a sudden rise of constant noise [ which there isn't ].

I tried re-plug the mic, reboot and removed the mic. And then I tested recording the computer's sound [ by playing an mp3 ] again, but came out with heavy offset again.

I came out with a conclusion that the mic is not the cause of the problem, but something else. I've no idea, it just suddenly went wrong. I tested the recording with Goldwave and CEP2.0 respectively, same results.

Can anyone help me verify and post the solve? Thanks!
Try it with another mic and another cable.

If that doesn't work, try uninstalling and reinstalling Cool.

That will narrow down the problem a lot.
Ahhh. I've got another mic ( old.....buried ) and oki~ it goes fine again. Thanks dobro.

But one of the problem still remains unsolved. That is the huge excessive noise. I'm trying to record rm files into wav files [ then to mp3 ]. But in the process I notice a HUGE constant noise which is never found before. I've no idea how it came in. It only happened after the mic went bad. The noise is large or small depending on situation, its like random. Is there anyway I can minimize it so if I turn on the volume of the sound I won't be accompanied by * HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS * [ audible and loud! ]???? Thanks~!
It sounds to me like you've got a bad connection somewhere, maybe the mic, maybe the cable, maybe whatever you're plugging into. That's what causes huge hiss in my system. That's why I suggested trying a new mic and cable.

So - do you get the hiss with both mics?
Try recording without the mic pluged in. Just record nothing, but with the same gain structure. Then you'll know for sure its not the mic or mic lead.