sound isolation help, im new!


New member
k guys im about to move, so i get a bigger room, which means good. now im stil livin wit my parents lol and its an apartment building. so im looking for that wall foam or something that isolates the sound from the rest of the place. id like to avoid the colorful ones, do they make them in white just FLAT? i want maximum isolation from the rest of the apartment. would hanging white carpets on the walls help? any more ideas are welcome thanks in advance
Foam/carpet/drapery/blankets on walls is sound ABSORPTION, not ISOLATION. It will do nothing to stop sound from transmitting throughout your and your neighbor's units.

For sound isolation, you must use room-within-a-room construction techniques - and it's not cheap, nor easy.

In an apartment, unless you're parents own it, you're not likely to be able to perform such renovations under a rental lease.
Treat the room with proper acoustic treatment. It's not that expensive.

If you treat your room with proper acoustic treatment, then some of the sound will be absorbed and diffused, so it won't disturb your neighbours quite as much as an untreated room.

You could get the glue on stuff from Auralex ( or you could get hanging panels from Microcosm. ( Both are apparently affordable and fairly effective.

Also, try sealing the gaps around your door jam with foam insulation tape.
Re: Treat the room with proper acoustic treatment. It's not that expensive.

ted88 said:
If you treat your room with proper acoustic treatment, then some of the sound will be absorbed and diffused, so it won't disturb your neighbours quite as much as an untreated room.
True, there will be a small reduction.... but it can hardly be called "sound-proofing".........