Sound FX / Foley


New member
I need to record my own sound effects for an assignment I have.

The things I need to replicate are:


Plus anything else you could think of relating to an 'act of God'!

Any ideas would be appreciated. I must create the sounds from scratch either physically or electronically is fine.

Thanks in advance
let me guess, you're doing the plagues God sent to the people of Egypt...

i would find some software that has loops.
let me guess, you're doing the plagues God sent to the people of Egypt...

i would find some software that has loops.

I think he meant he has to do it from record everything himself and mix it in?

Are you allowed to use real other words, can you go out and buy frogs and record them?

I'm not going to TELL you what exactly you should do for your assignment...otherwise it wouldn't be YOUR assignment. And that's just cheating ;)
But this will get you to think outside the box. Think of similar sounds that you can make yourself with stuff around your house or that you can pick up cheap at the store. What's something that when you hit or shake has a good rumble and sounds real boomy? Layer that with a bunch of other boomy stuff and you can make thunder. Be creative. If you even have one hint of an idea that makes you think "I might be able to use this"...record it! You probably CAN use it. And like I said, layer things. Don't just think you have to make a thunder from one sound. The best sound effects I've ever created have been from layers upon layers of sounds. All at different pitches, volume, etc.
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Some old school methods-

Thunder - Wave a large sheet of thin sheet metal.
Fire - Crumble paper or plastic wrap.
Wind - A lot tougher because wind has no sound except for what it is hitting. Blow over a pipe and blend in leaves wrustling with some static low frequency static (white noise) for a more natural sound. Or for best results record the real thing.

Add some delay but avoid reverb unless the sound is supposed to be indoors or an urban setting.
Sucking air with a tight puckered mouth in front of a mic, al la whistle style, is also good for creating a wind sound.
I think he meant he has to do it from record everything himself and mix it in?

Are you allowed to use real other words, can you go out and buy frogs and record them?

I'm not going to TELL you what exactly you should do for your assignment...otherwise it wouldn't be YOUR assignment. And that's just cheating ;)

Yeah I have to do it all myself or it defeats the point. I also agree it's pointless someone TELLING me what to do. Was just looking for pointers/inspiration which is what I've been given :) Thanks guys.

I'd love to get a tank of frogs...But I don't think that's practical. Probably wouldn't go down too well having one of our U87s or C12s shoved in a grimey tank :rolleyes:

I'll let you know how I get on, and if I come across any gems! Thanks again guys