sound forge w/ windows me?

My own personal experince with ME and pro audio apps was bad. I ended up going back to '98SE. This on a 700MHz P III.
When I bought my new machine (P4 1.3Ghz, 128Mb RAM, WinME) I ran my Hong Kong copy of SF4.5 with no problems. Since then I bought SF5.0 and Vegas Audio and both run with no problems whatsoever. I would recommend a clean install of WinME (meaning on a freshly formatted HD; don't upgrade from Win98SE to WinME).

Of the utmost importance here is making sure that ALL of your drivers are up to date. If you have the very latest drivers you should have no problem using any audio software on WinME.

Also very important is the speed of your machine. People who install WinME on an older system with a slower Front Side Bus and HDs that don't support ATA mode 5 (which is currently the fastest mode that supports 100MBps transfers) are asking for some heartache. Keep in mind that WinME requires far more TSR programs to start up. These can be killed one at a time by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL and closing everything but Explorer and SysTray.

Provided that you have the latest drivers and a bit more than just the "minimum system requirements" for WinME, you should have a trouble-free experience with WinME. But as is sometimes the case with Microsoft, things just don't work no matter what you have.

It's really a crapshoot if you're upgrading from Win98SE. I'd stick with what you've got already. When you decide to switch to a new machine that comes loaded with WinME, you'll have a far better chance of success using your audio programs on the new computer.

Hope this helped.

Works here...

No problems here...

Clean install of WinMe, upgraded to DirectX 8a.

SF 4.5 and 5.0 both work fine.... as does Vegas Video 2.0d

AMD K6III+ 450 OC'd to 550
FSB 100MHz
ATA 100 7200 RPM drives...
320 MB of RAM

It's a new computer. that comes w/ windows me.
pentium 3 1ghz
What's this control alt delete thing?
If you hit CTRL + ALT + DELETE (at the same time), you get a window with a list of ALL the things that are running. You can end each by highlighting it and clicking on 'end task'. As al_dave stated, you can kill most everything except Explorer and Systray. If you have a USB keyboard or mouse, you'll need to keep those as well (keep anything with the letters "HID".)

There's a good program called "EndItAll" that will do this for you, get it here.

And to further clarify Queue's post:

When I first got my WinME machine, I immediately went into msconfig and disabled everything except the bare minimum to get running. Or so I thought. If you do this, WinME will hang on loadup. If it hadn't been for SysRestore in Safe Mode I would have had an inoperable machine.

If you get a machine that comes with WinME, you should have no problem using any so-called pro audio apps providing that the system builder has properly configured the machine as far as drivers and other such system-critical files.

Enjoy and happy music making.

I had to uninstall Windows ME, tried to run it on several occassions, i had to go back to WINSE, now it sit and collects dust, going to MAC G-4 soon
All my WinME problems ended after a visit at Windows Update. All my Audio apps (and other apps) runs like a charm.