sound forge 6.0 record level clipping at -5.5dB...Why?


New member
Can anybody tell me why when recording with my sound forge 6.0, using an m-audio mobile pre usb interface, the audio signal clips at -5.5dB instead of 0dB? I'm fairly sure it's something to do with sound forge, just some setting that can be adjusted, but I can't find it.
Hi Blue Bear Sound,
Thanks for replying. I just disovered something else strange. (I just started experimenting with home pc recording, so I'm still just trying to figure things out). I've been attempting to record in mono with one mic, but I switched the record properties in sound forge from mono to stereo just to see what would happen, and guess what? The signal doesn't clip until it reaches 0dB, as it should :confused: . So, after recording the signal into one channel of stereo, I can just convert the file back to mono. I guess that's one way around it, but I'd still like to know why the signal clips at -5.5dB only in mono and not stereo.