Sound Forge - 16 Tiny Bits?


New member
Am I missing something or can Sound Forge only work with 8 & 16 bit files? I'm a big fan of Sound Forge - but if I can't use it for editing 24 bit files... then it really is not much use. I don't want to have to learn a new editing application just to work on 24 bit files. Can I do anything? Am I missing some import function? ? ?
If I read SF right, it'll be available only on full-blown Sound Forge until there's so much competition that they have to offer it in the XP version as well.
I'm in the same boat with you doc. :( I'm using Wavelab now, which is fine (awsome actually) But it dosen't work inside of Vegas like Sound Forge does, which makes me have to work around some things. oh well, a few extra clicks on the mouse wont kill me I guess.

Hmmm. Maybe Sonic Foundry have spent too much time bringing us the 'amazing' ability to encode an MP3 or RealAudio file using Sound Forge that they forgot that some of us like to make our music sound BETTER not worse.

Oh well.. i guess that's Steiny 1, SF 0.
SF has big investors in the video side of things. Thus, Vegas Video has had most of the development attention. We're little fish in comparison :(.