Sound Card Suggestions, please?


New member
Here's what I'd like to be able to do:

Record vocals, guitar, bass, drums, and keyboards (I have the mics to do all of this, just not the sound card to do the recording and mixing on the computer). It will be mainly for vocals, plus I would like to be able to hook up a MIDI keyboard and have the ability to create beats. I'd like to be able to use just about any program, but specifically eMagic's Logic, ProTools, or just about any decent application (I haven't found out what I want to use yet; I liked the new version of Logic for Mac's, but I refuse to use a Mac).

I was looking at Echo's LAYLA3G, but I haven't got a chance to really see what else is out there. I'm looking for something either around $500 or under. System requirements are not a problem, as all three of my P4's are over 2.4GHz and each have 1GB of RAM.

Thanks in advance,
After reading some reviews and poking around the site I've also seen the M-Audio FireWire 410 as a viable option. Has anyone owned either a LAYLA3G or the FireWire 410, compared the two, or any other sort of thing like that?
The Layla3G isn't available yet that I know of. I do own a Gina24 and have been very happy with it. The converters are great quaility, and I've got it running flawlessly with Cubase SX 2. I've heard good things about the Layla24 around here and elsewhere too. Basically similar to the Gina24 as far as quality, but more features/inputs.

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I noticed it said coming soon, but I probably wont be making the purchase for a while so I was looking at it as an option. Would you assume that the LAYLA3G is a better solution than the Omni Studio or FireWire 410 solutions offered by M-Audio?
The M-Audio 410 looks like a nice option to me (haven't used or heard it and am basing on published specs). The Layla requires the PCI interface, the 410 is Firewire. If you'll want to move it around, switch PC's etc, Firewire would be the way to go.

I've been extremely pleased with the quaility of the Echo Gina24 and it's converters. I believe this new generation, 3G, will improve on quality and sound. I like the addition of the pre-amps too. I think the 410 will have more "bang for the buck". Same price if I remember correctly.

Regarding software: isn't ProTools locked to the hardware? Even the LE version requires the Digi interface. I personally use Cubase SX 2 and have had success with it. Sounds like you have preferences here, so can't help you too much in the software area.

There was a review of the higher-end M-audio firewire 1814 on extremetech, and they mentioned disappointment in the audio performance, specifically a high 24 bit noise floor. I haven't seen a review for the other firewire devices, though...

I personally have a lot of confidence in Echo's coming generation of product, but who knows how it'll be by the time it hits market...
I have a studio upstairs, but it's all my brothers band's equipment and my dad's music gear. He has a portastudio from Tascam, but it's not able to integrate with computers (I'm much more computer savvy than I am on using all the junk they have up there). I'm planning on taking over the upstairs because they're moving all the stuff and I'd set up something I'd be able to run just by myself, so having to switch it among computers is not a problem (I went overboard and built myself 3 high-end computers and I don't know what to do with 2 of them, so leaving one of the P4 2.4GHz there isn't an issue for me). I personally do vocals over hip hop beats, but I mentioned bass/guitar/drums/keyboards just in case my brother's band ever wanted to do something on it, plus I could have their drummer and the bassist make up loops for me (but I'd rather do that on a keyboard myself with the MIDI-in/out).

Thanks guys, I had my dad look at all three of the cards (The Omni Studio, FireWire 410, and the LAYLA3G) and he thought out of all three the LAYLA3G looked the most promising as far as sound quality, though it was not as feature packed as the other two.