Sound Card Primer...


New member
I need one. What should I be looking for in one? What makes one superior? I'm drawn to the AARK 20/20 because of the large # of I/O ports and its exbandability. Anything to be aware of in considering the purchase?


- Matt
Sorry for taking so long to answer Matt ,something come up.
But i think the AARK 20/20 would be just fine.
Happenstance said:
I need one. What should I be looking for in one? What makes one superior? I'm drawn to the AARK 20/20 because of the large # of I/O ports and its exbandability. Anything to be aware of in considering the purchase?


- Matt

I would take a serious look at driver support from the manufacturer. If you do some research on Aardvark, you will find out they left Windows 2000/XP users hanging for quite some time before they had working WDM drivers. Even now there is supposedly some kind of delay problem where when you play an audio file back for the first time, up to 20 seconds could pass before you actually hear it.