sound card preamp versus real preamp


New member
Most sound cards allow you to "boost" or "preamp" the microphone input. I'm guessing that this just boosts the signal coming in digitally, without any real preamp action. In practice I find it boosts the mic noise a lot. Anyone know if there is an actual preamp in there or if it's just a phony boost? Any info appreciated.

[And I guess I could have posted this in the computer thread but it's kind of a preamp / microphone question, so don't kill me]
To answer your question, yes there is a preamp in the mic input of your soundcard.....its not a very good one, as its primary purpose is boosting the signal of those pissy little computer mics....if you are looking to do real recording, Doelmite and C7 gave some real good suggestions for "real" preamps....
Im told the M-audio stuff has a good pre in it.

But it wont be as good as a tube pre. like the presonus blue tube, or the joe meek(which is on sale for 200.00 us at musicians friend) or even the art tube mp.

Besides these have phantom power so you can use your condencers.:cool:
What about using my compressor's gain

First, thanks for all the quick and helpful replies.
Second, what if I just use my (so so) Alesis NanoCompressor which has a gain (called "output") to boost the mic signal into the computer. I realize most people here don't like this compressor, but would this be better than using the sound card preamp while I wait for my piggy bank to bust open with the money I need for a real quality preamp?

For no real reason, here's a picture of the compressor:
Its not good but its better than the sound card pre.Inside the computer is very noisy with all kinds of stray RF garbage that the card amplifies.As the other posts say,you gotta spend some bucks for a decent pre.

Second, what if I just use my (so so) Alesis NanoCompressor which has a gain (called "output") to boost the mic signal into the computer.

Why don't you just give it a try?

BTW, how is it that you have a compressor but no preamp or mixer?
fishing for opinions

>Why don't you just give it a try?

I will, but I don't get a lot of time to record or play with the equipment in my basement, so I was looking for opinions to limit the options I need to consider during the few hours I can actually test out ideas. Long winded answer to good question

>BTW, how is it that you have a compressor but no preamp or mixer?

Well, it goes a little something like this (cue music)
I bought a compressor.

Ok, here's the longer version. I pick up equipment a piece at a time, and I wanted to compress my vocals and be able to hear the compression while recording. The software I use has compression too, but it's after the fact. For vocals I like to know what it sounds like going to "tape". I didn't even know about preamps at that point. Now that I do I wish I'd put that money into a preamp instead, but that's life. As for a mixer, I used to use a Yamaha four track before I got the computer set up, now I go straight to computer, mixing with N-track, which I highly recommend. Stable, logical, and easy to use. A steal for the price.

So yeah, I need a preamp, but I also need to not have my wife divorce me for spending $500 on a piece of equipment I can't really explain when that same $500 could go toward something useful like earrings for her. If you're married you know what I'm yapping about. If you aren't, enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
If you aren't, enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
I intend to. :D :D :D :D

Just to throw another option at you, I just got the Aardvark Direct Pro 24/96 (just arrived last night so I haven't had a chance to hear it yet) which is a soundcard that has 4 (good) built in mic pres (which are shielded from all of that nasty puter noise) and it also has effects like compression, reverb, and EQ. I think they go for around $500 or so new, and although I haven't had a change to hear it yet, from what I've heard about it, this thing is pretty sweet. :)


Nice idea, C7, but the way most divorces go he'd be selling that pre to pay off his ex and his lawyer anyway. Either that or the 2nd channel would be hers. ;)
not a good idea

c7sus said:
Surprise her with a $500 pre and divorce papers! I guarantee she won't be expecting that!
My wife's a divorce attorney, so I don't think I'd fair too well. Plus, she's a good cook. I'm keeping the wife, just need a preamp.
Re: not a good idea

zoetrope said:
My wife's a divorce attorney, so I don't think I'd fair too well. Plus, she's a good cook. I'm keeping the wife, just need a preamp.

Heh, good call. ;)

Anyway, I'd say the ART Tube MP is the best way to go for a cheap, readily available, yet decent mic preamp. Sonusman swears by his Tube MP's and gets very nice sounds from them, indeed. They usually go for around $60-75 on eBay...just watch a few auctions and you'll eventually get one for a good price. The ART is going to give you much better results than using a compressor's makeup gain. For one thing, you don't just need gain from a mic pre. The input impedences and input levels on a compressor aren't exactly designed for a mic input, no phantom power, etc. Also, I doubt the Nanocomp would have enough gain for the average dynamic mic, and what gain it had would probably be pretty noisy.

If you can get Mrs. Zoetrope on board, there are definitely better preamps to be had, but the Tube MP should definitely get you going. Good luck, man!
eBay here I come

Thanks for all the info folks. I'll try my luck on eBay and see if I can pick up a ART Tube MP, then hope I get home before the wife the day it gets mailed.
I considered that, but . . .

darrin_h2000 said:
I would probubly use the pre on the four track. Its free.:cool:
The problem with that is my Yamaha MT 4 track makes a lot of noise. Even when it's sittin there doin nothing, if you pick up the head phones you hear a lot of machine noise, sort of a low hiss. I'm not talking about tape noise mind you, which it also has pleanty of unless you turn on the DBX noise reduction, in which case you really lose a lot of high end.

But yes, I'll probably do a test between using gain on the Alesis versus using the 4-track preamp and see what sounds best into the sound card. I need to send my wife and kid on a vacation to do all this, anyone know about some cheap flights?
topic drift sets in . . .

No, I am not a cabana boy. I, like my lovely wife, am an attorney. Lawyers in love. If you're looking for a profession where you have absolutely no time at all to do anything you enjoy, I suggest you look into becoming a lawyer. I've considered bringing a kazoo to work so I can make a little music, but my office mates might object.
singing at 4 a.m. - a test

So I forced myself out of bed early this morning for a little testeroo, comparing the sound of using the sound card preamp versus using my Alesis compressor's gain knob for a preamp. The latter sounded better, although it was pretty close. The sound card preamp was full of high end, the Alesis had a more full spectrum, with more low end. Sounded better to me anyway.

As for the ART tube, I was outbid on Ebay, the damned thing sold for $90. Who the hell pays $90 for a used one when they're only $100 new. I'm still keeping my eye out for a cheap used preamp, but for now I guess I'll use the Alesis.:confused: