Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS for notebook or m-Audio fastrack USB?


New member
I have two choices for recording on my notebook....

either the Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS notebook ( ) or the M-Audio Fast Track USB recording interface (

audigy costs $123 including shipping and handling. fast track costs $108 with shipping and handling.

I already have a Behringer V-Amp 2 for my tone processing needs.

Which would be better for recording music on my laptop?

I'd say either one, for the purpose of recording, kinda sucks. THe Fastrack would be ok, except that it only supports dynamic mikes, not condenser.

I'd say save your money and get a Tascam 122 or Firewire Solo.
i think usb is fine. although i would recommend the mobilepre usb by m-audio, which is a step up from the fast track. it allows you to use condensor mics and is suitable for just doing guitar work. if you don't record with a full band, something simple like this will definitely suffice. i have mine up on ebay (check the for sale section for the link) for $120 (they normally run at $150), but it may end before you're ready to make that decision. if you record with a band at all, you may want to look into other options, but if you're just soloing at home or wherever, stick with something simple then expand when you have to. good luck