Soul HI Studios open


New member
Hey everyone,

Just opened my own little basement studio. Thought I'd drop a link to the new website etc.

I'm located in Northwest NJ, and provide low rates, easy atmosphere, and quality recordings.

Take a look when ya can.


Any opinions or comments are appreciated,,,,good or bad !

Looks like a great setup. A couple of suggestions, if I may.

1. In your post, don't put quotation marks around your website. If you leave those out the rest of us can link to your site without manually typing your address.

2. You need more photos of your actual studio space. The one shot of the console/equipment looks nice but is really just a teaser.

Otherwise, I wish you lots of luck. You've got a lot of nice gear (jealousy on my part), and hopefully you know how to use it all with your education.
