Sorry, Newbie Question!!


New member
Ok I am just looking to do a little bit of vocal recording and I am doing this at my house and I want to have it all run into and recorded from my pc....

i want to buy the b-2 behringer condenser mic
and the behringer preamp/voice processor

i am new to this.... so I dont understand how all the connections work.... i believe I use the XLR to get mic into preamp.... but how do I get that into my soundcard....... that is my problem....... i need the outputs and inputs explained and what I should do.... my soundcard has AUX SPDIF MIDI OPTICAL and LINE IN

any help would be appreciated..... THANKS
Go to and get a Studio Projects B1 mic and a Studio Projects VTB-1 preamp - or an M-Audio DMP3 preamp. Entry level price, far better sound quality. Start with a clean preamp and no gadgets.

Use the line in jack on your computer card. You might need to get an adapter cable at Radio Shack - 1/4" to 1/8" (or find one at 8th Street) for about six bucks.

Go to and download n-track. You can hear a basic track with the demo. The paid software version will include all the basic effects you will need - usually a touch of reverb and maybe a light delay on some of the vocals. All the other effects are for later on. Pony up the entry fee for a 16 / 44 version and you're in business.

Get a decent set of headphones - for that, go to . That's Harvey Gerst's outfit; the man knows his stuff and offers these for cheap decent tracking phones. They work.

After that will be the Great Monitor Chase. Don't worry about it for a while; this will be enough to get started.
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Yo Treeline, have you ever had the feeling that someone is running their alledged research on how nice everybody on this board is? Could you stick out your tongue please? You seem to have the "help" gene. If you are a real person, don't buy the Behringers, at least not those Behringers. Listen to the nice Treeline-Richie
It's good advice, Treeline.

Most microphones will use an XLR cable (three prong). That goes into a preamp, that brings the level of the signal up. The preamp will have a quarter inch output. If your sound card has an 1/8th inch input, you'll need a special cord (1/4'' to 1/8"). Note that most consumer soundcards have a stereo 1/8th inch inputs, allowing two tracks to be recorded at once. You can buy special cords and adapters at Radio Shack or a music store.
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Richard Monroe said:
Yo Treeline, have you ever had the feeling that someone is running their alledged research on how nice everybody on this board is?

Yeah, well, I got y'all fooled. In real life I'm an arrogant, impious, presumptuous jerk and I get paid for it. But I don't get paid ENOUGH!!

:mad: :cool: :cool: :D :cool: