Sorry, I got another one

Me myself & him

New member
I keep getting into an argument with a friend about the difference between writing lyrics for a singer and writing lyrics for a rapper.

She believes that there is no difference.

I believe that (as) proved in a previous thread, it's very different.

I believe that not everyone can sing, therefore only some can learn and blow out a song written by someone else.

On the other hand, almost everyone can rap, I could have kids I teach spittin venom. Charlie Baltimore was a created image before they even found a woman to squeeze into that dress. If some behind the scenes cat could write for her, so can Ja Rule, so can I, so can Jay Z.

Now, even though I liked her last album, Foxy's style changes so much I don't even know how many cats write for her.

So is it right that they don't just get someone who's already ill and make them a star?

I told my friend, I could write a rhyme for her and with a little coaching she would be spittin fire. She doesn't belive me, so I guess I'll have to just prove it to her and write one.

Even if you don't agree, I want to know what you think, .....especially if you don't agree. I need some insight, .... especially if I'm wrong about this, but it just doesn't seem right.
I'm at chu again mm&h

Not every star writes but they have that special quality in their character thats a magnet for attracting attention.With the exception that they phisically fits the image of that soon to be star is imminent.

Not every writer is a performer.They lack the physical image thats accepted by mainstream listeners.But they do have that quality to put pen 2 pad and come up with that fiya.
Its like the writer personified it.
The performer glamorize it.

Add the 2.come up with one.

BTW-I rather see Charli baltimore in that dress rather than nell carter:D
I understand when you say not all the writers can't perform, it's not for everybody, and with an "image" performer they would make a good team.

But I don't know, I really don't care what they look like as long as they got skill. It really shouldn't be about image:(

I would rather see charlie baltimore in a dress than Nell Carter too, but............. LOL damn! that's a funny thought :D

I was overseas and saw this cat crippled by polio who had one leg much shorter than the other, but he could spit like a muthafucka!! I mean, I've seen old musicians being stars in the eyes of the young public, fat ass singers who fit no particular image, grim featured men who had crowds freakin out over them. But .here if it ain't marketable...:(

Even if I like them, it's still hard not to feel like some of them performers are taking up the space that some artist, starving and struggling on the small time scene could have had
I'll really do deep down inside feel if one (no matter how he/she looks)can really connect with they audience.I'm talkin deeply connect with his audience.Then theirs a equal balance.
You know our biggest artist on our label (you know him) Mannish-Boy recorded all his material with a lot of basement equipment.Some songs actually sounded distorted and some beats only had like a beat and a bassline.No,keyboard effects.But when he did record.He had a lot on his mind and unleashed the inner beast for listeners to explore his world and understand the lifestyle he lived.He was fresh outta jail and had a lot to say.It bypassed listeners the fact that some songs were low-quality because of his delivery.He connected with the inner-sanctum of ones soul when he came with it.Rather we like it or not, we all got the subliminal capacity to appreaciate what connects with our inner selves.

The Blair-Witch project was shot with a camcorder but everything in that film was real (or seemed like it)and it reached out out grabbed everybody by the throat and never let date the blair witch project grossed over 200 million.They didn't use professional outta the studio equipment.Just college do what they do while filming it.I'm a strong believer in it ain't what you got,its what you do with what you got......;)
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