Sonic Research Turbo Tuner ST-200

This tuner rocks. It comes in a nice little metal casing that can easily be attached to any pedal board. This pedal is true bypass, so there is no signal loss in the chain. The pedal is self explanatory with easy to read lights that circle clockwise for sharp notes and counter-clockwise for flat notes. There are also options for programmable presets.

The pedal responds quickly, the tuning is almost instant. I was never satisfied with my Boss TU-2. I often found myself listening to the "bad" note after tuning with it and always had to fine tune after tuning. I immediately noticed an improvement in tuning with this. I highly recommend this tuner.

I could never justify purchasing the Peterson StroboStomp. I've always heard nightmares with the circuitry and input jacks. I didn't want to invest in something that is known for falling apart. The Turbo Tuner is a lot less ($140 vs $200), and pretty darn sturdy. The only thing that it doesn't have is the DI out like the StroboStomp.

I have yet to play with it on stage...we'll see what happens.
I have Sonic Research' floor pedal tuner, it is my favorite. Prior to this I used a BOSS TU-12, Seiko tuner/metronome with a needle, Korg Pitchblack and a POD X3 built-in tuner. Turbo Tuner is the most accurate of those which is the main reason I use it, also is smallest and well built. Its worth the price. Got mine with battery included and installed. The box has kind of military/professional look to it which I like.

Edit: got mine in november and that factory installed battery is still going