Sonic Maximizer


New member
Bout a sonic maximizer, the 362
Trying to find out how to set it up.
Ran it through Aux Sends and Returns to put it through the overall mix..
didnt work
Ran the CTRL Room out to sonic maximizer, then out to monitors
didnt work
WTF, someone help me here.
QUESTION: Can i run from Aux sends to my Aphex Exciter and Big bottom, to my sonic maximizer to Aux Returns?
I have tried but maybe i had did something wrong. Anyone tell me how to do it step by step?

Thanx in advance
the sonic maximizer is an insert effect, not for auxiliary. beyond that, soon you will regret having bought it, promise. hate to give bad news.
An Aphex Aural Exciter *AND* a BBE Sonic Maximizer...

I'll tell ya'... I've despised those things for a long time - And I could never figure out why people would use them (especially in digital).

But in over 20 years - One thing concerning SM's and AA's that has never, ever, not once crossed my mind:

Using them *both* on something.

:eek: :eek:
There's an 862 in my studio (my guitar player bought it many years ago). All it does is take up rack space. It's not even hooked up to the patchbay anymore!
All true!

In addition the only true purpose "Maximizers" serve basically is to provide some "sheen" to analog,cassette-based mixes/recordings lacking hi-end clarity/definition.
I have an aphex. I only use it for listening to music through my monitors while I'm cleaning up or when i'm not recording. I would never use it for processing.

It's really killer using it playing COD2 online. Sniper rifle blast are awesome.

I also use a BBE in a live sound situation patching it in through the mains. Just don't over use the thing.
gcapel said:
I have an aphex. I only use it for listening to music through my monitors while I'm cleaning up or when i'm not recording. I would never use it for processing.

Then you pass up a lot of great oppurtunities to learn your monitors.
I perfer to learn my monitors through a few different sources (car stereo/ Ipod/home stereo reciver)

I know my monitors are low end sensitive, so adding a maximizer would only confuse the piss out a me.
I wouldn't even bother with the things. I use a SM in my guitar gear and it helps out but thats about the extent of it. I know every one says put it in the box. All its really gonna do is give a bit of an "artificial" sound in the manner for which is sounds like your using it. In previous recording endeavors ( not me engineering ) I had a guy totally ruin the shit out of Ok mix by applying a SM to the entire mix during mixdown. Unbeknowing to me at the time, until I said "what the hell did you to the mix". He gave me the rundown, "I said what the hell fix it". He never did, we never spoke again....
yeah i'm another one who thinks its a POS.

it's a glorified frequency booster... if you can work an EQ, you can get more desirable results..
It makes my head hurt. I have one. It's got pretty green lights when I turn my rack on, but that's about as far as I go with it.
Uh.. well i ran the sonic maximizers directly thru the guitars and it made a huge difference between the sounds. It sounded really low and muffled. But when it was on it sounded amazing. Im sorry but, i did not waste my money. I will say that i did waste my money on the Aphex exciter, for it gives very little harmonics and bass boost. Dont make a comment about something unless youve experienced it.
killmachine said:
I wouldn't even bother with the things. I use a SM in my guitar gear and it helps out but thats about the extent of it. I know every one says put it in the box. All its really gonna do is give a bit of an "artificial" sound in the manner for which is sounds like your using it. In previous recording endeavors ( not me engineering ) I had a guy totally ruin the shit out of Ok mix by applying a SM to the entire mix during mixdown. Unbeknowing to me at the time, until I said "what the hell did you to the mix". He gave me the rundown, "I said what the hell fix it". He never did, we never spoke again....
ok, your not saposed to maximize the whole mix, just things that may need it, such as vocals or guitar. I was trying to get it to effect the sound of my computer.
Its just that you picked an idiot to record your music. Sonic maximizers serve their purpose. They can be replaced by better things but it wasnt much moneyand im on a buget
Billy, if it worked for you that's great. I think the larger point is that if your guitar tracks require a sonic maximizer to sound great, then there is probably a problem earlier in the chain. That could be many things, including:

instrument and amp choice
amp setup (and position in room)
mic position
mic choice
room acoustics

While it's great you could "fix" your tracks by running them through a box, your next goal should be to try and record tracks that actually sound good on their own.

And believe it or not, Billy, some of us have been doing this professionally for decades and are quite familiar with Aural Exciters, Sonic Maximizers, etc.

Good luck!