Songs Overwritten in Boss BR-1180


New member
Hello all.. I am a user of the Boss Br -1180. I had about 20 songs on the hard drive of my machine. I wanted to recover about 6 songs from one of my backup disk, so I selected them and attempted to upload. When the process was done, I realized that some of the songs that was previously on my harddrive had be overwritten by the songs that I had just uploaded. Now mind you, now of these songs have the same titles or anything. And according to Roland and the manual the machine shouldnt have done this. Is there anyway possible for me to recover those songs that seem to be overwritten. Is there like a backup function on the harddrive that allows me to go back and pull up previously saved tracks or something? Somebody help me out here!! I have reloaded data from backup disk before, but never have they replaced songs that were currently on the hard drive. The songs normally just load up in sequence. Does anyone know why this has happened and can you tell me how to get my songs back?Thanks..