Songs for feedback...

Sup gully...gladly returned.

Tired of livin vid: I like the feel of this track. the video was ok.

One pattern I see on your tracks is your instrumental track is REALLY low and the vocals stand out on top alot. Some of those beats sounded like some nice heavy beats but felt real light cus they were so soft.

Keep doing your thing.
Thanks for the feedback...

i checked "today" shit is cool. The vibe is dreary (1 of my favorites) the track is hard. Great hi hats. My ears' sonic-ability is phucked cuz ya vocals sound over the track much the same way i do mine...but im listenin on the laptop so... But anyhow. Tite cut. I phuckz wit it.
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Thanks again gully. "Today" def is one of my more emo songs. I always tend to stray to the darkside of music, especially if I hear a mainstream clubby beat. To me its a huge contrast that is not only entertaining but can make people say "WTF was that?" which is one things I aim for.

Anyone else is invited to take a listen and feedback will be returned!! Thanks again for checkin it out.
Listening............I am feeling your music and I like it.
My sister thinks it's hot! I love the beats and your lyric is alright. Overall, excellent performance!!! ;-D
Thank you for checking them out, and also thank your sister. I am always trying to improve so feedback is always appreciated. Thank you again.
You're welcome.
I am just calling it like I'm hearing it; awesome talent!! LOL My sister actually thought your song was pull from youtube or something. This shows excellence of your performance. ;-) *Yearning* I am about to hit the sack-- good-night!
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