DJ Chris-D
New member
will eh bekannte Arrangements meinte ich!
Keine gute Idee. Um eigene Musik zu vermarkten braucht man Struktur! [Not a good idea.You need structure to market your own music!]
Nein, keine Schlagzeugmuster, die kann man natürlich variieren! Aber die allgemeine Struktur eines Songs - da würde ich mich schon an erfolgreichen Songs orientieren! Ist eh nicht schwer, der Hörer will eh bekannte Arrangements! [No, no drum patterns, of course you can vary them! But the general structure of a song - I would orientate myself on successful songs! It's not difficult anyway, the listener wants familiar arrangements anyway! ]
will eh bekannte Arrangements meinte ich! [I meant well-known arrangements anyway!]
I just found out that Firefox has a translate function! I told it to translate from German to English, and BINGO! All the posts on that page were in English. That's going to come in handy. I won't need to copy and paste stuff into Google Translate.Sprechen Sie Englisch mein freund.
That means you should have an albums worth nowI love it when a post I made 14 years ago gets quoted
Man, back in 2010 I was still a prolific songwriter/composer. After I wrote my Norse musical in 2011, all my juice was spent. I went from writing 15-20 songs a year to, like, one and a half.
i don't have a fixed formula. I just compose as I go along, and make many changes before I'm satisfied. The main rules for me are to make sure things stay interesting and repetition is not overdone.I thought it would be good to have a thread where everyone could discuss how they structure their songs..I know there is several discussions on this already, but they are interweaved throughout other threads titled for other queries and easily lost.
Hopefully, this will help keep much of it concentrated in one thread for a quick reference on structuring ideas and helps..dos and donts.
I will, eventually gather up relevant posts already existing on this subject and merge them in this thread.
Feel free to discuss here...