Song Review--


New member
"Walk Away"

Hey Guys,

I recorded a new song yesterday...It's completely differant than what I usually do, but I like it.

I made up the vocals on the spot just to hear how they sound, so they do not make any sense.

Download the song called "Walk Away"...not the one thats entitled "Wash Away"

Advice would be great...Thanks to everyone in advance
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Good tune
I like the guitar playing.
Reminds me of 60's surf guitar styles
Dick Dale etc.......

I felt your vocal could have been stronger but if you just wrote it maybe all the bugs havent been worked out lately
Yeah I agree that they could be a little stronger. My Girlfriend tells me that the vocals dont sound right with the song...What do you guys think?

How about the mix?
It sounds like a sketch of an idea. The vocals, as you said, are made up on the fly. The melody is OK, nothing earth-shattering but certainly more than decent enough. There are some clams (bad notes) here and there but you were improvising the vocals, so that's understandable.

Songcraft-wise, you could do with something to make the song peak a little more, maybe more of a buildup from a slow burn to hard-hitting.

The electric guitar part doesn't sound like it belongs in this song.

All in all, the germ of a good tune if you work it out.