sonar3 producer redition


New member
Hello folks
I am playing around with my new version of sonar3 producer edition I have both sonar2 and 3 installed on my system
and are planning to convert all my files to sonar3 but Iam running into some strange happenings in edition3 producer

1) when I solo a track in track view the whole screen is rewritten vertically in a dark color and confusing my work

2) when I switch to console view it is always in the minimise form and I always have to drag each vertical and horizontal margins to see my meters

is there anyway to prevent these form happening

I dint have this problem in sonat2 should I just use sonar2 and forget about using sonar3
have I wasted my cash or what?

Don't know what your first problem is. It is not normal behavior. Sounds like a conflict with you video card, or maybe a corrupt install. You might want to try reinstalling Sonar.

As for #2, after you open Console View, try maximizing it using the maximize button rather than dragging the edges. After that it should reopen in max. view each time.
Belvee said:
1) when I solo a track in track view the whole screen is rewritten vertically in a dark color and confusing my work

2) when I switch to console view it is always in the minimise form and I always have to drag each vertical and horizontal margins to see my meters

This is really strange. I would expect this kind of behaviour of a cracked version or something like that.

However, it also could be your video-card. What video-card are you using?
sonar 3 Edition problem

My Video card is an ATI RAGE Soundcard TURTLE BEACH
I dont think it is the ATI because I read the release notes and it said to use the control key to prevent it from happening It worked for muting a track but not for Solo
My copy is legal we dont get much pirated stuff up here

Problem (1) have been solved you were right I had to Maximize the console view then restart sonar thats ok now (THANKS)

I will go though the manual and the notes again and see if I can determine what causes this

It's not a big problem just a nusence.
As for SONAR 4 I dont know I thonk sonar 3 sucks I may stick to sonar2 It works fine I just thaght I wa missing something new in 3

Thanks again folks I thaught you guys were ignoring us CANADIANS
Have you tried updating the drivers for the video-cards?

If you're running Windows XP, have you installed Service Pack 2?
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Yes I have installed service pack 2 and all avalable updates

look folks It's just a nusence I will try to live with it for a while

Thanks for answering