Sonar record, audition mix?


New member
I have a quick question. I'm using Sonar 4 to record and I absolutely can't stand the wav editing in it, is there any way I can record in sonar and then mix in adobe audition? Thanks in advance. BTW, I need to figure this out pretty quick as I'm recording a friend of mine's band over the next few days.
If you are able to save the recordings in a format that Audition can open, then there will be no problem. Any reasonable wave format, for instance. I've heard of people working that way (Sonar to track, Audition to edit/mix) routinely so there should be no major problem.
ozpeter said:
If you are able to save the recordings in a format that Audition can open, then there will be no problem. Any reasonable wave format, for instance. I've heard of people working that way (Sonar to track, Audition to edit/mix) routinely so there should be no major problem.

What is the point in working that way?
"What is the point in working that way?"

Well, presumably it's because, like godmoney, they prefer one application for tracking and another for mixing.

Ozpeter - what happens when you transfer session information from one editor to another, though? For example, what happens to the tracks that start halfway through the song? The information about where that track starts in relation to 0.0 at the beginning is contained in the session information, right? Surely that information doesn't travel well between applications.
What is the point in working that way?
Could also be for recording on a laptop with one program and then using a PC for mixing that has a different program...but I'm guessing :)
Well, there's "EDL Convert Pro" which can translate between various apps - don't know for sure about this combination.

But to use session material recorded in Audition in other programs, if that's the way round required, then if you mix down the Audition tracks one by one (using solo and optionally bypassing FX) as long as at least one track in the session starts at zero, the mixdowns will be "padded" with silence from zero to the point where the first clip is located. This enables you to insert them into other apps correctly laid out. Presumably something similar is possible when working the other way round.

Admittedly with a complex and large session, it can be a time-consuming procedure.
The reason I am wanting to do this is because my presonus firestation will only record 2 tracks at a time in audition using the wdm drivers and I want all 8 tracks using asio. Sonar offers asio whereas audition doesnt. Thanks for the replies though, and I had already thought about doing it one wav at a time but like you said, this would be extremely time consuming
Actually you can open a audio clip from Sonar in Audition. They both support directx. Forget recording in laptop and using two computers and all that. Just go to tools in Sonar and see if you see your otehr applications in that, if so click that after high lighting that clip it will open in audition. I dont use Sonar 4 yet so it may be different in that.